Our Blog

By staying active in the community through speaking engagements, writing articles and attending conferences, our attorneys, and staff, have a more comprehensive understanding of not only the concerns that face our clients today, but also the remedies available to them.

Note from A Client By Dutton Casey Mesoloras While we appreciate the professional recognition our attorneys receive through organizations such as Leading Lawyer. we are grateful when our clients take the time to recognize our efforts. Recently, Attorney Samantha Zullo received a note from a long-term client: "Thank you for Read more
Leading Lawyers 2021 By Dutton Casey Mesoloras Congratulations to Attorneys Janna Dutton, Kathryn Casey, Helen Mesoloras, Amy Gjesdahl, and Melissa Kallio. They have all been named Leading Lawyers for 2021.Leading Lawyers have been recommended by their peers to be among the TOP LAWYERS in the areas of practice noted on Read more
Give Yourself A Gift This Season By Dutton Casey Mesoloras We do not want to think about not having the ability to make healthcare or financial decisions due to sudden illness, disability or death. However, it can and does happen: the Covid pandemic has proven this. Why not have a Read more

Important Memberships, Certifications, and Affiliations

National Elder Law Foundation
Academy of Special Needs Planners
Rated by Super Lawyers
Leading Lawyers
Chicago Bar Association
Illinois State Bar Association
Sage Care
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