Debunking Medicare and Medicaid Myths

22mar7:00 pm8:00 pmDebunking Medicare and Medicaid MythsWebinar

Event Details

Partner Melissa Kallio, JD, CELA, will present on common myths of Medicare and Medicaid coverage, how to prepare for the reality of long-term care, and how to take advantage of opportunities to maximize your quality of life.

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March 22, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-06:00)



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Partner Melissa Kallio, JD, CELA

Attorney Melissa Kallio, a Partner at Dutton Casey & Mesoloras, is one of only a few Certified Elder Law Attorneys in Illinois. She concentrates her practice in elder law, which includes Medicaid planning and applications, adult guardianship estates, trust and estate administration, and estate planning. Melissa also serves as a court appointed Guardian ad Litem (GAL) and counsel for Respondents in guardianship estates. She frequently presents to attorney, consumer, and healthcare professional groups on a variety of elder law topics.

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