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By staying active in the community through speaking engagements, writing articles and attending conferences, our attorneys, and staff, have a more comprehensive understanding of not only the concerns that face our clients today, but also the remedies available to them.

Palliative Care And Supportive Care...Improving Quality Of Life Living with a serious illness can create physical challenges like pain, symptoms or side effects from medication… and even emotional concerns like anxiety or depression…that can affect your quality of life. Palliative care is specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses, Read more
Do I Really Need A Living Trust? A geriatric social worker recently shared with us a conversation he had with an older woman who attends the senior program the social worker manages. The older woman, who I will refer to as Mrs. G, told the social worker that she attended Read more
Digital Assets Can Raise Estate Planning Issues More and more, we are conducting our business on the Internet, whether that’s online banking, shopping, uploading documents and files to the “cloud,” posting videos, or communicating with ‘long lost’ friends. So, what happens to all of our accounts and files when we Read more
Family Caregiving When The Adult Children Live Long Distance When families live far away from one another, the holidays may be the only opportunity that long-distance caregivers and family members have to personally observe older relatives. Decline can happen quickly. Family members who haven't seen their aging loved for a Read more
Legal Planning For Living With A Chronic Medical Condition In 1900, most people died younger from communicable diseases and after relatively short illnesses. Today, we are more likely to die older from one or more chronic conditions and after an extended period of illness. The decisions involved with planning for Read more
Important Information To Know And Keep Current Medical Insurance A list of insurance policies, the carriers, the account / policy numbers, and names of beneficiaries. Utilities Names, account number, and contact information for all utilities (electric, phone, cable, water, internet, etc.). Documents Financial This information is not to be considered Read more
How To Pay For Skilled Care One of the things that concerns people most about nursing home care is how to pay for that care. There are basically three ways that you can pay the cost of a nursing home: There is a lot more to be said about long Read more
Choosing An Elder Law Attorney The process of finding and choosing an elder law attorney begins by identifying that you actually need one. The question is: Why would you need the services of this specialized attorney? Here are some questions to ask yourself: If you can answer yes to any Read more
Understanding The 4 Cs Of Elder Law Ethics Your parent or other elder relative is getting legal advice. Why am I left in the waiting room? Shouldn’t you be included? After all, you might be very involved in helping him or her with important matters. Perhaps you even arranged for Read more
Dementia Terminology “Communication breakdown” in Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of dementia are consistently listed among the stressors for caregivers. Here is a list of some of the terminology used in describing the affects of the disease, some of which limits the person who has dementia. Affect: the outward manifestation Read more

Important Memberships, Certifications, and Affiliations

National Elder Law Foundation
Academy of Special Needs Planners
Rated by Super Lawyers
Leading Lawyers
Chicago Bar Association
Illinois State Bar Association
Sage Care
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